founder and ceo

Meet Tyler

Tyler is the Co-Founder & CEO of Saltbox. A life-long entrepreneur, he’s dedicated to empowering small businesses through innovative logistics solutions and fostering a strong community. Drawing from his own experiences as an ecommerce entrepreneur, Tyler founded Saltbox to tackle the critical logistical challenges that small businesses face every day.

Before starting Saltbox in 2019, Tyler refined his skills and passion for innovation in high-growth environments such as Palantir and Techstars. His career has been shaped by a commitment to building impactful companies and supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through his journey, Tyler has gained a deep understanding of the challenges small businesses encounter and remains focused on creating solutions that make their path a little easier.

Middle ages man sat on a wall

In conversation

We sat down with Tyler to ask him questions about his beliefs on business, life, and his vision for Saltbox.

Why did you start Saltbox?

From a young age, I was immersed in the world of small business logistics without even knowing it! Helping my grandmother with her Avon deliveries, I saw firsthand the challenges and sacrifices involved in running a home-based business. These early lessons in logistics and entrepreneurship planted the seeds for my future endeavors.

Years later, while running my own ecommerce business, I encountered the same logistical hurdles. Operating out of break rooms and storage units, I experienced the inefficiencies and frustrations that many small businesses face. This experience revealed a glaring gap in the logistics ecosystem: small businesses were left to fend for themselves with inadequate infrastructure and resources.

In 2019, driven by these experiences and a belief in my ability to make a difference, I founded Saltbox.

What has been the most challenging moment of your career?

The most challenging moment in my career came in 2012 when I was just turning 30 and working at Palantir Technologies, a company renowned for its high-performing culture. Over the previous three years, I had built our recruiting organization from a small team of two to a robust department of about 70 employees. While I was proud of this accomplishment, there were underlying issues that I failed to recognize at the time. My team was unhappy with my leadership, and I lacked the self-awareness to understand and address their concerns.

This culminated in my removal from the role in a manner that was jarring and uncomfortable. It was a humbling experience that forced me to confront my strengths and weaknesses. Although it was a difficult period, it became a critical inflection point in my career. On one side of that inflection point, I lacked the self-awareness to see my skills and abilities clearly; on the other side, I began to develop those skills.

In retrospect, I am grateful for that moment and the opportunity it provided to learn important lessons about myself. This newfound clarity allowed me to achieve much more in the subsequent years at Palantir. Understanding where my skills were best applied and recognizing areas to avoid were pivotal in my growth as a leader.

What advice would you give to people thinking of starting a business?

Starting a business is a journey that requires a blend of passion, resilience, and self-awareness. One of the most important pieces of advice I can offer is to deeply understand the problem you’re trying to solve. Your business should be driven by a genuine need in the market, something you are personally passionate about. This passion will sustain you through the inevitable challenges and setbacks.

Additionally, be prepared to learn continuously and adapt. The entrepreneurial journey is fraught with unexpected twists and turns, and your ability to pivot and grow from these experiences will be crucial to your success. Surround yourself with a supportive community, whether it’s mentors, peers, or team members, who can offer guidance and share their experiences.

It’s also vital to remain humble and open to feedback. The ability to reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, as well as learn from your mistakes, is a cornerstone of effective leadership. Remember, it’s not just about having a vision but also about executing that vision with integrity and empathy.

Lastly, take care of yourself. Entrepreneurship can be all-consuming, so it’s important to maintain a balance and ensure you’re nurturing your physical and mental well-being. This will enable you to lead with clarity and make better decisions for your business and team.

Can you recommend a good business book?

Surprisingly, I'm not really a fan of traditional business books. I find that the most profound insights about business often come from books that delve into broader aspects of life. That being said, one book I highly recommend for anyone who is thinking deeply about how to perform better and achieve more of their goals, in business or life, is "Principles" by Ray Dalio. This book offers a unique blend of personal anecdotes and practical advice, laying out fundamental principles that can guide decision-making and personal development. Dalio's emphasis on radical transparency and structured thinking has had a significant impact on my approach to both leadership and life.

What is a cause you’re passionate about?

Perhaps not surprisingly, I am deeply passionate about supporting small businesses. Having experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship, I understand the critical role small businesses play in driving innovation and economic growth. They are the backbone of our communities, fostering local development and creating jobs.

Through Saltbox, our mission is to empower small businesses by providing them with the logistical support and infrastructure they need to thrive. Beyond logistics, it’s about creating a supportive community where entrepreneurs can connect, share experiences, and grow together. I believe that by leveling the playing field and offering resources that were previously inaccessible, we can help small businesses succeed and, in turn, strengthen our broader economy.

I am also passionate about mentorship and education. Sharing knowledge and providing guidance to the next generation of entrepreneurs is incredibly rewarding. By helping others navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business, I hope to inspire and empower more people to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

Have a question you’d like to ask?

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter, Navigating Commerce, and submit your small business questions and challenges to Tyler to answer.
